Dear Monique
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for leading me to my spiritual team! I still revel in the memories and the loving pictures that I was allowed to take home with me.
I can also say at this point that my body feels like a new person, the pain is almost gone and I have complete confidence in continuing on my path and not being alone.
This moment, when I was able to meet my spiritual team in such a real way, touched me with incredible joy and with an inner joy, like when you can hug a loved one again after a long absence. The joy was mutual. You described to me who you see and where, I had identical pictures. I would never have thought it possible that there are so many people helping out.
The beings, my helpers, were so loving and attentive and I wanted to enjoy these touches for as long as possible.
There were a lot of helpers and ascended masters there, they started the healing process. Tears ran down my face from emotion. I already knew them but knowing that they were healing me was so good for me and I was able to give myself to them completely.
My body was still lying on the sofa at home, but now I saw it from far above – the „in between“ grew beyond the body and made a connection between the physical body and the light body, that’s how it must feel when you’re multidimensional! We were all one, we are all one! I felt so light, so healthy, so free, so confident. I was healed with love and light! A gentle warmth flowed through me while I now saw my light body from above.
The image we got of the woman feeling harassed and dethroned by me made sense, she has hated me on and off through many lifetimes and has always wanted to keep me away from the man I love and who loves me. Now we could finally find a way to make peace. I am grateful for that.
They said that my way was the right one, that felt so good. Monique reopened my chakras and made them shine, I got a flower of life placed on my stomach, an incredible gift.
Up there was pure love, understanding and light, freedom and self-determination over my health. I wanted healing and I received it in a loving and gentle way.
Before we left I didn’t think my gut would take it, I had a gurgling and thought I had to go to the bathroom all the time! When we came back down, the gastrointestinal thing was history. I was starving. For the first time in a week! My shoulder feels like it’s sore, I can feel someone has been working there. My gland has shrunk from the size of an apricot to the size of a hazelnut.
Dear Monique, this trip is one of the most impressive experiences in this life. I will keep the pictures and impressions with me forever.
Love to you, good-hearted, thank you for the healing journey and for accompanying me!
Franziska, Switzerland