Testemonial Peter

Dear Monique

Thank you for accompanying me “upwards”.

In short: It was exciting, emotional, but also helpful, as I now realize.

What was strange for me was that I could clearly see the beach, the sea and the sparse jungle, as well as the tree with the “lift up”, as well as how we shot up into the sky, broke through the cloud cover and then past the moon out into space. The stars were magnificent, yes, and then I stood in front of the gate (the gate to heaven) and from the moment I entered, everything was dark, with strange, milky-opal green beings floating around. The encounter with my mother was very emotional and I also saw her face (she also seemed somehow transparent) when she turned to me. The other beings remained shadowy, but I thought I could physically feel how I was lifted up and laid down by the blue Pleiadian, but above all the treatment that began from the head. I felt pressure on my eyes, warmth around my head, then moved over my chest and stomach. I felt the latter area particularly intense, almost unpleasant. But eventually we came back to earth. I felt really good, but about an hour later that changed suddenly.

What happened? I got chills, fever (38.5) and aching limbs, but above all it felt like the Pleiadian had come with me and was continuing to dig around in my intestines – that’s how it felt – especially in the back area and lower abdomen and I got diarrhea. (Note from Monique: diarrhea and vomiting mean that the body is cleansing itself)

The fever was gone after about 2 hours and I slept for almost 20 hours straight and was awake again as if nothing had happened.

What I can say for myself is that my back has been free of pain since then and urination has also returned to normal. A great success! A reason to repeat it.

Best wishes, Peter